The object for which the Samuel Lithgow Youth Centre (SLYC) is formed is to promote the personal and social education of young people, especially these in poor circumstances in or near the London Borough of Camden. This shall be done through programmes of social, cultural, physical and recreational pursuits to enable them to develop a range of social and life skills so that they may behave as responsible citizens.
Secondary objects has been added to Companies House as follows:
‘At such times as the Company’s premises are not being used to further the objects set out in (a) above:
- To advance the education of the public, especially those living in the London Borough of Camden, by providing facilities for and training in sports and providing training in specific skills such as information technology and assertiveness
- To provide facilities for the public, especially those living in the London Borough of Camden, for recreation or other leisure time occupation in the interests of social welfare.’
About the Centre
SLYC was inaugurated in 1969 with the strategic objective and mission of offering disadvantaged young people services and activities that would contribute to their personal and collective growth. The Centre is located at the heart of the Regents’ Park Ward and serves the whole of the West Euston area. Our main services target disadvantaged young people aged 8 – 19 through four different youth projects, but we also offer supporting activities to parents, the unemployed, BAME groups, women, the disabled and senior citizens. After our Capital Project was completed in 2010, SLYC has consolidated its place as the major hub for youth and community activities in the West Euston area and has thus consistently contributed to improve the lives of not only young people but also of the wider community. SLYC is a Registered Charity (No: 1108410) and a Limited Company by Guarantee (No: 5366637) and it is governed by a group of local residents, parents and business managers, who form its Board of Directors. SLYC has become incorporated in February 2005.